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  • What services do you offer?
    I offer Food styling services Prop styling services Retouching services and Various types of photography services: Food and beverage photography Product photography Lifestyle photography Portraits - corporate headshots, family, maternity, pets, fashion Architecture and spaces photography Industrial photography
  • How to get started with a project?
    To get started, you can drop me a message on my website here or message me on Instagram here. We'll discuss your requirements and take it further.
  • What are your charges?
    There is no standard rate for a shoot. Each shoot is unique, in that, it involves a different level of complexity and time. Each client has different requirements. For a quotation, get in touch with me here, with as many details as you can share, for example, Type of photoshoot Number of photos Location Approximate date and deadline End use - print, social media, both Any other requirements The components of a quote are: Professional Fee Travel & accommodation (if applicable) Hire of any Specialised Equipment (if applicable) Props (if specialised or particular props are required for the shoot. Basic backgrounds, tools & props are included in the professional fee. If the project requires any exclusive props such as fresh flowers or fresh ingredients, or additional backdrops, there will be an additional fee.)
  • What are your payment terms?
    50% of the professional fee and 100% of travel & accommodation fee (if applicable) is required as an advance to confirm the shoot and the desired dates. The final images will be accompanied by the Invoice. Upon approval, the final high resolution images will be released on completion of all outstanding payment.
  • Are cancellation charges applicable?
    In the event of cancellation, 10% of the advance is non-refundable. If pre-production has begun, there will be no refund of the advance.
  • Why should I hire a professional photographer?
    By hiring a professional photographer, you get high quality images that will bring your vision to life. They will use top-notch equipment to capture the images and employ high end editing techniques to ensure your requirements are met.
  • Where are you located?
    I am based in Chennai and I am available to travel for shoots. We can have the shoot in the studio by sending your products, or on-location with an additional fee for travel and accommodation.
  • I'm not based in Chennai. Can I still work with you?
    Yes! You can send me your products and we can have an in-studio shoot. Or, I can travel to your location. I have clients from all over the world!
  • Where would our photoshoot take place?
    Photoshoots can happen at a location of the client's choice or at my studio space in Chennai. When using a location of the client's choice, they must procure all necessary permissions.
  • Do you have a formal education in photography?
    I have a Diploma in Advertising and Commercial Photography from Bharati Vidyapeeth School of Photography, Pune, India. Apart from this, I have worked under various seasoned photographers. I also have an Undergraduate degree and a Postgraduate degree in business.
  • What's your turnaround time?
    The final images will be ready 7-10 days after the shoot date. If you have any deadlines, please share them in advance, I will try to accommodate them.
  • Do you accommodate last minute shoot requests?
    Whenever possible, yes, but I can’t guarantee my availability at the last minute, however, I will try to accommodate these requests.
  • What Camera Do You Use? How large can the files be reproduced?
    I use a full frame camera for my photoshoots - Canon 5D Mark IV. The size of the files is 22.4 in x 14.933 in at 300DPI. It’s more than enough for any marketing materials you may want to produce.
  • How will my images be delivered?
    Your final images will be delivered through an online gallery. You can download the images from the gallery.
  • Can I get my images delivered on a thumb drive?
    You can get your images delivered on a thumb drive. The pricing depends on the number of drives and the shipping method and address. Please let me know in advance if you'd be interested in receiving your photos on a thumb drive.
  • Can I order hard copy prints of my images?
    I work with print studios in Chennai which can provide beautiful prints in any size you require. Pricing and delivery depends on the prints and shipping. Please let me know in advance if you'd be interested in receiving a hard copy.
  • How many photos can you shoot in a day during a food/product photoshoot?
    This depends on Simplicity/complexity Number of items per photo Prep time required for food dish Similarity of shots - props, background - the time required to set up varies on this
  • Will this disturb the functioning of my dining room if we shoot at my restaurant?
    Yes! Food photoshoots take a considerable amount of space. Depending on the type of shots that you are considering for your project, shooting on location at your restaurant may be a great option. Shooting in your space gives us the opportunity to use your restaurant as a backdrop for your food which can integrate well with your brand and your space. However, there are a number of challenges to shooting in a restaurant, the largest being your customers! Food photography can be time consuming and we will likely be bringing a lot of gear to shoot on location. We can shoot on a day when the restaurant is closed for those beautiful environmental shots to avoid disrupting your customers’ experience and to focus on photography. If the environment of the restaurant is not going to be included in the photos, we can hold the shoot at my studio space.
  • I hate having my photo taken!
    Many people do! Its my job to put you at ease and ensure we get the right shots. I'll give you tips to feel better in front of the camera. I'll also keep showing you the photos as we shoot them to make sure you're happy with them.
  • What should I wear to my shoot?
    The type and style of clothing will depend on the kind of photoshoot - family photoshoot, corporate headshots, etc. If you're not sure what your needs are, bring various sets of clothing and we can shoot several styles! If you have a signature look, like a pair of glasses, or some particular colours, let me know and we'll find a way to best incorporate it. Your outfit should be one you feel confident wearing. The same goes for jewellery, accessories, shoes, etc.
  • Is it okay to dye my hair before my photoshoot?
    Its best to dye your hair about a week before your photoshoot to make sure your any stains or skin discolourations have faded.
  • Is it okay to wax before my photoshoot?
    Its best to wax about a week or so prior to the shoot. Makeup may not stick so well to freshly waxed skin. In a week's time, any skin redness or bumps from waxing will have settled, leaving your skin looking fresh.
  • How should I prep for my photoshoot?
    Choose your outfits and jewellery. Make hair and nail appointments. Make sure you get your beauty sleep the night before the shoot!
  • Can I bring food and snacks to the shoot?
    By all means, yes! Its important to keep energies up during the shoot so bring snacks and water. Make sure you don't bring snacks that will stain your lips or fingers.
  • Can I bring my pet to the photoshoot?
    Yes, of course! Your pet is a part of your family and can be part of the photoshoot too! If you are bringing your pet, please let me know in advance. Please bring anything your pets may need - food, water bowls, etc.
  • Can my child bring their favourite toys to the shoot?
    Yes they can! It may make them feel more relaxed and comfortable. They can have their toys in the photos too.
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